Morningstar Estates
ACER provided wetland delineation and State permit application services for a proposed development and subdivision with isolated wetlands. A New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Land Use Regulation Program (LURP) Letter of Interpretation (LOI) Application, LURP2 Application Form, and two (2) Statewide General Permit (GP) Applications were required, prior to filling an area of isolated wetlands and constructing a stormwater management system, which discharged into another area of isolated wetlands. In accordance with the guidelines outlined in the 1989 Federal Interagency Wetland Delineation Manual, ACER conducted a wetland delineation to document the extent of wetlands at the site. The NJDEP LOI Application included photographs, boring logs, site and USGS maps, a copy of the deed, names of all property owners located within 200 feet of the subject property, letters of notification to property owners and local governmental agencies, all information required for an application for a line delineation LOI. The GP No. 6 and GP No. 11 Applications included certifications regarding the presence or absence of endangered or threatened species habitat, historic or archaeological resources and other features at the site that were relevant to determining compliance with the requirements. Since the project was located in a municipality with the endangered plant known as swamp pink, the project area was evaluated for impacts to this endangered species. The Phase I Archaeology Investigation evaluated 20th century materials discovered in shovel tests across the property. However, due to the lack of evidence of prehistoric occupation, no further archaeological study was recommended and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) approved the development. The General Permit Applications also included Compliance Statements, which included a list and evaluation of all of the limits and requirements in the General Permits, as well as the Freshwater Wetlands Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:7A-4.3. The delineation line was verified by the NJDEP LURP and the applications were approved.